
First year

First semester

Preclinical phase (introduction, principles blocks and vertical “Patient, Physician & Society (PPS)”themes)

BlockWeekContact hours
Principles of studying medicine1 week15 hours
Principles of microscopic and macroscopic structures7 weeks150
Cell biology and function7 weeks150
Patient, Physician & Society:
Introduction to Being a Physician
Ethics, Law &
Behavioral Medicine

Second semester

preclinical phase (introduction, principles blocks and vertical “Introduction to Patient Care” themes)

BlockWeekContact hours
Mechanisms and principles of therapy of diseases8 weeks162 hours
Infection and immunity8 weeks162
Introduction to Patient Care Medical Inter viewing
Introduction to Physical Examination 1
Clinical Experiences 1

Second year

Third semester

Preclinical phase (organ system blocks and vertical “Introduction to Patient Care” themes)

BlockWeekContact hours
Cardiovascular system5 weeks100 hours
GIT5 weeks100
Skin & Musculoskeletal5 weeks100
Introduction to Patient Care

Advanced Physical Examination 2

Experiences 2

Advanced Medical Interviewing Clinical Procedures

Fourth semester

Preclinical phase (organ system blocks and vertical “Introduction to Patient Care” themes)

BlockWeekContact hours
Respiratory and renal systems7 weeks143 hours
Hematology3 weeks75
Health & illness in the community7 weeks143
Introduction to Patient Care Block
Advanced Physical Examination 2
Clinical Experiences 2
Advanced Medical Interviewing
Clinical Procedures
Elective 2vertical: 4 hours/

Third year

Fifth Semester

Preclinical phase (organ system blocks and vertical “Investigation and Discovery” themes)

BlockWeekContact hours
Neurosciences8 weeks162 hours
Endocrinology, Reproduction & Developmental Biology8 weeks162
Evidence-Based Medicine - FundamentalsVertical30
Investigation and Discovery/Scholarly Project
Epidemiology and data management
Elective 3Vertical22.5

Sixth Semester

Clinical phase (clinical rotations and vertical “Investigation and Discovery” themes

BlockWeekContact hours
Medicine 1
Introduction to general medicine, Hematology, Endocrinology, Nephrology.
6 weeks135 hours
Surgery I
Wound Healing, bleeding, shock, blood transfusion, haemostasis, surgical infections, postoperative complications, abdominal trauma emergencies, surgical anuria, surgical nutrition (enteral and parenteral)Surgery of head and neck, lymphatic system ( 3 weeks)
Thyroid and Para thyroid, supra renal gland, abdominal walls and hernias, Breast. ( 4 weeks)
Oncology (principles) .(one week)
8 weeks195
Forensic Medicine and toxicology4 weeks90
Investigation and Discovery/Scholarly Project
Epidemiology and data management
Elective 4Vertical30

Three rotations to be as follows: 6 weeks for medicine 1, 6 weeks for surgery 1, 6 for weeks fronsic”4 weeks” and completion of surgery1 “2 weeks”

Fourth year

Clinical phase (clinical rotations)

BlockWeekContact hours
Medicine II
a. Liver–biliary system (2 weeks)
b. Tropical medicine (2 weeks)
c. Nutrition, GIT, (2 weeks)
d. Rheumatology and clinical immunology (2 weeks)
8 weeks195 hours
Gynecology & Obstetrics10 weeks250
Pediatrics.10 weeks250
Physichatry3 weeks75
Surgery II
Anesthesia, pain management, intensive care, fluids and electrolytes and body response to trauma.
2 weeks60
Elective 5Vertical45
Family medicine (at end of year)2 weeks45

– Rotations are 11 weeks each as follow: Obstetrics and Gync. + 1 week


– Pediatrics + 1 week Physichatry

– Medicine II + Surgery II + 1 week Physichatry

Fifth year

Clinical phase (clinical rotations and family medicine)

BlockWeekContact hours
Ophthalmology#6 weeks135 hours
Ear, Nose & Throat4 weeks105
Medicine III
Clinical investigations (laboratory and infection control: 2 weeks and radiology: 2 weeks)
4 weeks105
Surgery IV cardiothoracic surgery, plastic surgery, Neurosurgery, Vascular surgery(one week each)4 weeks105
Surgery IV
Orthopedics & trauma
4 weeks100
Surgery IV: Urology4 weeks100
Surgery V
GIT, Liver–biliary system, pancreas, abdomen and peritoneum
4 weeks105
Medicine IV
Neurology, Dermatology
4 weeks105
Medicine IV
Cardiology, chest
4 weeks105

# 2 weeks of Surgery VI + 2 weeks of Ophthalmology = one rotation